Monday, March 11, 2019

21 Day Keto Diet: Day 6

Back to work and a more normal routine for all of us.  Getting everyone ready and out the door on time is definitely easier with a partner.

Breakfast:  Raspberry coconut flour muffin, soft boiled egg, and 3 sausage links, coffee with DIY keto creamer
These muffins...ugh.  Granted, I probably should have read around more before baking.  Apparently coconut flour, while high in fiber, low in carbs, and relatively inexpensive compared to almond a pain in the @5$ to work with.  Because it is super absorbent, being off in your measurements even by a tablespoon can throw off an entire recipe.  So you need to weigh it instead of using measuring cups (did not know this in advance).  

Also, it is NOT cup for cup interchangeable with other flours.  My first batch was super dry and didn't set up properly.  The second batch set up better, flavor is good, but the texture is still wonky.  Maybe we'll try again later on.

Lunch: Chicken salad with cucumbers & veggies
Dinner: Last of the leftover Sesame Chicken Salad
After Dinner:  It just so happens most of my old trivia gal pals are also teachers, and they're all on Spring Break this week, so we decided to have a Gals Night Out. I had a Captain & Coke Zero (0 net carbs)...followed by the highlight and fail of my night: grapefruit vodka and tonic water.  Note: if your drink tastes delicious and like it might have sugar in probably does.  Tonic water is basically Sprite without the lemon/lime. I did not know this ahead of time, so I can at least claim ignorance.  2.7g carbs per ounce.  Learn from my mistakes.  Order club soda or sparkling water.
Totals:  1289 kcal, 84g fat, 27g net carbs (UGH), 62g protein

My Thoughts:  Tonic water is stupid. But my weigh-in did show that I'm down a few pounds.

The Hubs' Thoughts:  More tired today. I did go to the gym, but felt a little weak--not the same level of energy as usual.  Down 4 lbs--assume mostly water weight.  I feel like my heart is racing more with less exertion...basically, feel like I'm out of shape (even though I go to the gym pretty regularly).

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