Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019 Resolutions and Top Posts of 2018!

Happy New Year all!  Hope everyone had a great Christmas and didn't get alcohol poisoning on New Year's Eve (set the bar low, yo.)  We had a pretty chill NYE, had some friends over (who also have young kiddos) so everyone had dispersed by 9pm.  We did a champagne toast at 8pm, because hey, it's the New Year somewhere (in the mid-Atlantic).  Then we got the Lil' Man down to bed, set up our WiFi extender in our kitchen, and went next door to hang out with neighbors (WiFi extender allows us enough signal to check in on the kid's video monitor at their is great, ain't it?)

So--last year I set three resolutions: let's see how we did!

1) Eat more vegetables.  I did a pretty good job with this one, mostly by eating more salads.  I realllllllly love a good salad, guys. I know that sounds weird, but seriously.  The more stuff you put in that bowl, the happier I am. I also read the book "Eating on the Wild Side", which focuses on the fruits and veggies that provide the most nutritional bang for your buck.  So when I go to the salad bar, I load up on things like dried or fresh berries, nuts/seeds, dark greens, cauliflower (who knew a white food could be so good for you?), radishes, broccoli, etc.  

2) Exercise.  I started out strong on this in 2018, and much like almost everyone else, fizzled out somewhere around April.  Then my boss convinced me to sign up for a marathon relay to run in November, so I ramped up gym visits again...until after the relay, and then didn't really go back.  But, it's still more than I went in 2017, so I call that a win.

3) Moisturize.  This I did really well with...for the first half of the year. I had a sticky note on my bathroom mirror that read "Have You Moisturized Today?" and looking at that reminded me to do it every day.  And then...that sticky note fell down, and I never replaced it.  But I still probably remembered about once a week.  My kid's bath time is actually great for this, because he mostly entertains himself, I'm in there anyway (he and I share a bathroom), so might as well put on some lotion.

This year?

1) Use my FitBit.  I've had a FitBit since 2011, and I wear it everyday, but in the last couple years, I haven't really been *using* it.  I haven't been tracking food, sleep, water, or really trying to hit any step goals.  But The Hubs got me a new FitBit Alta HR for Christmas, so I'm hoping the newness of the extra features (detailed sleep tracking, heart rate, "nudges" to make sure you get at least 250 steps an hour) will get me back into gear.  My goal is to track food and water daily, staying under my caloric goal and hitting at least 64 oz of water a day.

I'm not making a gym goal, because last year, even with doing better about going to the gym, I didn't lose a single pound (even though I did significantly improve my running stamina).  And that's likely because I wasn't tracking my food and was still eating crap.

They say weight loss is 75% diet and 25% exercise, and frankly, I'm not good at making myself go to the gym, especially if I have other outside of work commitments (like the continuing education classes I'm taking over at the university).  But they also say that by tracking your food, you're also far less likely to eat bad crap, because it means you have to acknowledge it in your food log.  So hopefully, the simple act of logging my food will help me make good choices and eat less.

2) Get more fiber.  The USDA recommended daily allowance for women is 28 grams.  Most people are woefully under that (myself included).  People spend all this money doing detoxes and cleanses to reduce bloating/water weight, or battle with high cholesterol, when in reality, they probably just need to eat more fiber.  Soluble fiber slows digestion and allows your body to absorb more nutrients from the foods you eat.  Insoluble (bulk) fiber helps clean out your GI system.  And they make you feel full so you eat less, so that's a bonus.

3. Build Others Up.  Earlier this year I was doing some goal-setting at work and trying to create a 5 Year Plan for myself.  But while meeting with my mentor, he said something that really stuck with me.  "Maybe the question isn't 'Where am I going", but rather "Who can I bring with me?"  The idea being that rising tides raise all ships--if I dedicate time to helping others on my team succeed, we all succeed organically. So I've set a goal to have more 1 on 1 meetings with my mentees and teammates and find ways to help them be better, and look for opportunities to help them hit their goals.

Now, on to the Top Ten Posts from 2018!

How about y'all?  Any resolutions to share? Leave them in the comments on on Facebook!

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