Friday, August 3, 2012

Hey Y’all!

Sorry for the lack of recipe entries lately.  My life has been quite a busy place!  But here’s a quick little update about what’s going on in FeauxCajunWorld (sounds like an odd themepark, amiright?)

- I hit 10,000 page views this week on Blogspot!  According to my stats tracking, I owe most of that to Google & Pinterest, but also to YOU!!! So, THANKS, YOU!  It’s a small win, but I’m pretty excited about it nonetheless.

- I’m going back to school!!!  Sorta.  Next year, I want to try to get my Registered Geologist certification, which involves two very intimidating exams.  But it also requires a minimum of 30 credit hours in Geology… and I have 27.  So I’ll be joining the unwashed, underage masses this semester at my old alma mater, Missouri State University, (Go Bears!) to take one more class:


I can tell you’re jealous.

I’m actually kinda excited about it…because I’m a big dork, and I love to learn.  And I love field trips.

And I’m thinking some sort of “Ramen noodle” recipe might be in order in homage to my return to Academia.

Probably not this extreme, though…

- July has been a busybusybusy month at work.  I’ve been out in the field at least 1-2 days every week this month.  It’s nice to be out of the office a bit, but for every field day, there’s about a half-day of prep work that has to be done beforehand, and another half-day of post field work tasks that have to be done (shipping samples, tabulating data, downloading photos, scanning field notes, etc.)… on top of other normal office tasks that come in.  I’m not complaining by any means, it just gets a little overwhelming week-after-week like that.  But so long as I still get to play in the dirt from time to time, I’m happy.

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(Because sometimes dirt is pretty!  Look at that marbling—it looks like smoke almost, doesn’t it?)


- On a more somber note, I’ve also been dealing with a rather serious family matter for the last month.  My aunt was killed in a car wreck around the first part of July.  She was unmarried w/no biological children, and through various turns of events, my cousin & I have been named the executors of her estate.  I’m not sure if anyone out there has had to go through this, but if so, my heart goes out to you.  It’s no fun.  Lots of paperwork and attorneys and “sorry, we can’t tell you that until you can prove you have the right to act on her behalf” and gnashing of teeth.  But I’m happy to do it since I know my father & aunt (her siblings) are grieving much more than us, and we just want to do anything we can to make this time easier for them.


- Sneak peek of upcoming recipes that I have in my backlog to post: super-cheesy lasagna, chocolate zucchini bread, homemade sushi, white chicken chili, my favorite salsa rice…

jump341 064 (Next week in the blogosphere…super-chocolately goodness!)



  1. Sorry for your loss. I have a good friend going through a similar thing for her mom's estate and it is rough.

    This bread looks the bomb. I may actually try this one...if it is not too hard and not too many ingredients.

    1. Thank you. It's no fun.

      The bread is TOTES bomb. Not terribly tough to make, & pretty standard pantry stuffs. It's my aunt's recipe.
