
Friday, February 21, 2014

Daniel Fast Day 19: The Last Day!

Today’s Devotion: “It Is Finished-- John.19:28-30After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst. Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a sponge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth. When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.’
It is Finished! You have completed your journey & remained faithful to the task. I commend you for your sacrifice of food & time to pray & not only strengthen yourself but to stand in the gap for those who at this time don’t even serve the Lord. This fast has broken the bands off of those standing in the valley of decision & loosed them to run to the Lord. Ears are being opened to hear His voice, hearts that have been calloused have been softened by the balm of Gilead. Each word of prayer you released caused the oil & the wine to be poured out to release healing to the hurting as you move in the Spirit of the good Samaritan as you ministered to the wounded. And there is nothing we do in the Lord that we don’t benefit from. We are healthier, we probably have lost some weight that needed to come off, & fasting always gives us a clearer mind so we can process all the revelation that has come to us during this time. This year has been started out on the right foot so go forward in the Word of the Lord. 2013 will be a year of Restoration so begin taking the land He has already declared belongs to you.”

Wow.  The last day.  There was a time when three weeks seemed like a long time…but the days have really flown by!  I’m grateful for the opportunity to have completed this challenge with my husband so that we could pray and have devotions together, and share in a physical trial. A little weight has been shed (about 8 lbs for me, which I was definitely grateful to lose), which hopefully we won’t gain all back tomorrow when we can have coffee (and those frozen cupcakes) and gorge ourselves on chili at the Cookoff tomorrow.  But more than that, I think we’ve lost some of the trepidation about the things we have upcoming in 2014.  And while we don’t have all the answers, we definitely have made progress in the right direction and feel a more clearer purpose.
Breakfast:  Green smoothie w/pineapple, spinach, blood orange, banana, ginger, oats and flaxseed.
Lunch: Whole wheat rotini pasta with the leftover “pizza” sauce & veggies from last night
Dinner:  After work I had to run over to the Expo Center to help set up for the Chili Cookoff tomorrow, so by the time I got home I was pretty pooped & didn’t feel like cooking a big meal, so instead we popped some popcorn on the stove! 
This may sound silly, but I’ve never popped popcorn on the stove before!  My parents had an air popper when I was growing up, and I’ve just always used the microwave since then.  I used some coconut oil and about 1 third of a cup of kernels, and it filled the pot!
We split it into two bowls and seasoned half with taco seasoning, and the other half with garlic & onion powder and a little bit of basil.
IMG_4255 IMG_4257
Not a fancy last Fast meal, but a tasty one!
And the perfect one to go with the package I got from Amazon today!
(Quack, quack, quack, quack…  PS—why does only Emilio Estevez get top name billing on the case?  Everyone knows Joshua Jackson is the star.  Emilio’s only in D3 for like, 5 minutes!!)
We’ll be sure to post tomorrow as a follow up…if I don’t post, please assume that the sugar, caffeine and meat shocked my system into a coma.  :)

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