
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013: Year in Review

The FeauxCajun Kitchen has survived another year in the blogosphere!  And it’s thanks to our awesome readers like you…yes you, with the eyeballs.  THANK YOU for reading!  I know this is just a small-time, part-time, just-for-fun blog, definitely not on par with the Pioneer Women & Bloggesses of the world, but I really appreciate those of you who find your way to this site, however you end up moseying over here.  The idea that ANYONE reads this blog still blows my mind some days. :)

It’s been a crazy year around these parts, since a good portion of my year was pre-occupado with the Hubs’ & I’s new business venture, but we survived our first season with only a *few* extra gray hairs to show for it.


  • I had a goal of getting 100 new subscribers in 2013…and ended up with 163 new readers!  So thank you, all you new followers!  Y’all are AMAZING!
  • This fall, my pumpkin pancake recipe went “viral” on Pinterest, getting repinned over 5,000 times… (I don’t actually know what the cut off for “viral” is…but 5,000+ seems like it would count.  I mean, if I had a virus and I got 5,000 people sick, I’m pretty sure I’d be hearing from the CDC or something.)   This is part of the reason so many new awesome people found this blog!
  • My most frequent guest poster Primo’s recipe for Crawchos was selected by as one of their 5 Unique Crawfish Recipes to be listed on their website!
  • We got some sweet props from 417 Magazine in October, and were listed as one of the 417-Area’s Top 5 Local Blogs!


Top Posts of 2013:

#10: The Galloway Greenway Smoothie

#9: Abita Root Beer Caramelized Onions

#8: How to Have Ab-Normal Finances

smoothie1 IMG_0652 budget

#7: Andouille & Potato Soup

#6: Cinnamon Roll Bread Pudding

#5: The Loozy-Anna Dawg

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#4: A List of Louisiana Festivals

#3: Clean Eating on a Budget

#2: The 2013 Fashion Challenge


and the #1 most popular post of 2013 was…

The “Cotton Anniversary” Gift – Homemade Ticket Stub Pillow!


So again, thank you for being you, and I’ll keep being me, and I’ll keep on writing so long as you crazy kids keep reading!  God bless & happy New Year!

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