
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi Day!

Think this is a dorky reason to make a blog post?  Just wait until May the Fourth rolls around. (And yes, I have the Star Wars Cookbook in preparation for it.) :) 

Hey…Pi…Pie…it’s food related, and this is a food blog.

Now, this may come as a shock to you, but I don’t actually make that many pies.  This is primarily due to a general lack of success in the past (see below):

cherry pie strawberry rhubarb pie burnt pumpkin pie

(Cherry, Strawberry Rhubarb, & Butternut Squash, respectively)

…and a large amount of general laziness on my part.

However, on occasion, I manage to eke out something quite passable:

pumpkin pie, homemade crust lattice cherry chocolate pecan pie

(Pumpkin, Lattice Cherry, and Chocolate Pecan)

However, my favorite type of pie is PIZZA PIE, and this is by far my personal favorite that I’ve ever made (as a Valentine’s Day meal from way back):

heart shaped pizza

The crust was a rosemary & sun dried tomato foccacia (using this recipe), and all the toppings were red.  Red sauce, tomatoes, red bell pepper, pepperoni, and peppadews.  If I could have found a red cheese, that would have made my day.  It was DEELISH. (Note: This recipe is not inherently Cajun, however, I did make this pizza while living in Thibodaux, Louisiana, so that counts, I say.)


On a more pie-related note, here’s a link to some of Martha Stewart’s most beautiful pie crusts ever.

image (The one with the flowers makes my heart skip a beat.)


And just for good measure, we’ll conclude with this gem, entirely not made by me.


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