
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Mardi Gras, Y’all!!!

And how do we celebrate Mardi Gras in the blogosphere?

Well, first, I hand you a virtual drive-thru daiquiri (because yes, they’re open this early):

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…because you’re going to need to take it with you to the parade!

(Clicky-clicky below for LIVE FEED of the parades!)


After that, you’ll want some king cake, right?  Where do your loyalties lie?  With Haydel’s?


Or Gambino’s?


Or maybe Meche’s, if you’re near Lafayette?


Me, I’m partial to Southside Bakery in Lafayette:



What’s your favorite type of king cake?  So many of them are just jammed full of cream cheese…and while I like a LEETLE cream cheese, I prefer the fruit fillings—cherry being my fave.  However, I’m also a sucker for a good slice of traditional cinnamon & pecan.


Alas, I have never been brave enough to attempt my own king cake, but someday…someday.  (I’d say, “later this week”, but it’s a crazy week around the FeauxCajun household.  I’ve got a two day out-of-town work conference, and a pirate-themed murder mystery party later this week, for which my husband & I still need to make our costumes. SO EXCITED!)

However, if you’re looking for a fun recipe, I recently came across this recipe for a King Cake Bread Pudding with Whisky Sauce on the Raised On A Roux blog, and I am ITCHING to try it.  Because it combines two of my favorite things—king cake, and bread pudding!  So if you’ve got a random king cake on hand & want to try something new & fun with it, give that recipe a whirl & let me know how it comes out!

(I’d try it myself, but I found it after I’d already made my New Year’s Resolution of “no new recipes”.  Sad face.)

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